A Conservation Management Plan is the most definitive means by which to describe all matters which are of consequence to a heritage affected site. It articulates what is significant about a place and provides critical guidance for protecting that significance into the future, while enabling the owner/manager to proceed to confidently maintain and adapt the place to the modern world.

The RBA CMP is a precise manual which derives from a forensic analysis of the found place and its history and describes in precise language all relevant matters ranging from its history, cultural values, building fabric condition and intactness, through to dedicated policies for its management, conservation, restoration, adaptation, costing, funding and maintenance. It is the complete package.

The prospect of substantial change at a site is often the impetus for commissioning a CMP and they are a common requirement of statutory authorities such as Heritage Victoria or local councils. CMPs provide a tailored framework for managing change at heritage places and assist owners, managers and approval authorities to make informed decisions.

The preparation of a CMP is a rigorous process of historical research, physical investigation, comparative analysis and assessment of cultural significance, culminating in the development of policies and practical recommendations for the conservation and sustainable use of the place.

RBA CMPs are respected and adopted. They are concise and use plain language so as to be useful and accessible to a range of users. Each CMP is prepared by a small team and benefits from the inputs of a rich pool of skills, perspectives and experience. When the need arises, we partner with specialists in areas such as archaeology, engineering, horticulture or materials conservation.