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Victrack Heritage Assets



Victoria, Australia




Heritage Study



Services Provided

Heritage Studies



In late 2007, RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants were commissioned to identify all non-Metropolitan rail assets owned by VicTrack with attributed heritage significance at the Local and State level.

The study encompassed all items listed on Heritage Overlay (HO) and Heritage Inventory (HI) and required the preparation of a database record of all Registered Heritage items listed on the VHR. VicTrack is a Victorian Government state-owned enterprise which owns nearly all railway and tram lines, associated rail lands and other related rail-related infrastructure in the state of Victoria, Australia.

With much of the railway infrastructure of regional Victoria constructed in the second half of the 19th

and early 20th centuries, the network as part of the Octopus Act of 1884, was once described as one of the most extensive and grandest networks world-wide.

The second stage of the project was to undertake a physical survey of the sites listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) to determine the condition of the building fabric and to recommend conservation works to the various items identified in the extent of registration. 

All data collected and prepared, including detailed photographs, citations and descriptions was compiled onto a dedicated database for use in the maintenance of assets. The project was a precursor to further works within the sector, including conservation, design and adaptive re-use projects at railway and rail related properties.

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